Steeped in Cajun and Creole tradition, Lafayette is where you go for gumbo, Zydeco, and just a plain old good time. is where you go when you are looking for the most popular rugs in Louisiana. We have area rugs, outdoor rugs, and entryway rugs on the list of trending rugs in Lafayette below. Every month we will feature the most popular rug purchases in cities and states around the country to help you with your search for the perfect rug for your living space.

Let our friends in Lafayette be your guide on in the bestsellers section. There you will get inspired by what your neighbors are buying for their homes. Have you ever considered using an outdoor rug indoors? They have in Lafayette and now you can see all of their favorite rugs on the list below:

Bestselling Rugs in Lafayette

These are the rugs customers from Lafayette, LA bought most often.

These rugs were the best sellers in the Lafayette, LA metro area which includes: .

Other metro areas in LA:

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